How To Sell Your Home In The Fall by Neal Johnson | WilmingtonBiz Insights
There’s a lot of debate about which season is the best time to sell a home. Some people claim spring, while others say summer. Fall is often listed as a great choice, and most people will agree that winter is for hunkering down and staying put. At Network Real Estate, we believe the very best time to sell a home is when you’re ready, and this will be different for each homeowner depending on his or her unique situation. If that time has arrived for you, you’re in luck. Autumn is actually one of the best times to put your home on the market, especially if you follow these tips and tricks for selling a home in the fall.
- Curb Appeal Still Counts. The weather is cooling and the leaves are falling, so potential homebuyers will probably want to rush through the front door instead of lingering on the lawn, right? Wrong! Sure, you probably don’t need to mow the grass every weekend, but you must keep the exterior of your house neat and tidy to put your best foot forward. Rake your leaves, hire a tree service to trim unsightly branches, and place a few festive dashes of fall on your front porch, such as pumpkins and mums.
- Get Cozy and Comfortable. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler, which means your house should be extra warm and welcoming. Keep things cozy by turning up the heat, burning a cinnamon-scented candle, baking a loaf of pumpkin bread, and flipping on the lights to help combat the darkness outside. If you have a fireplace, make sure it’s roaring before anyone arrives. After five minutes in a home this cozy and comfortable, your guest will have a hard time leaving, which is great news for you.
- Season Your Décor. A few well-placed and carefully chosen accents that speak to the season can help make your home seem like a place worth celebrating year-round. A vase of fall foliage, a bowl of seasonal fruit, or a small collection of decorative gourds on the mantle is a great way to bring the spirit of the season inside without overwhelming potential buyers. Remember: When it comes to décor, less is more!
- Give Your Windows Some TLC. Natural light is liquid gold, but supply is limited in the fall. Take full advantage of all the sunshine you can by making sure your windows and screens are freshly cleaned and streak-free. The same goes for blinds and curtains. If you have heavy drapes, trade them out for a lighter fabric in warm, rustic colors like red or chocolate. This will help open up the room and is a great way to bring a little fall flair inside.
- The Earlier Bird Buys the House. It doesn’t matter how clean your windows are or how appealing your curb is – if you’re showing your house when it’s pitch black outside, your hard work will go unnoticed. Avoid this trap by scheduling your showings earlier in the day. While this will be difficult for those who work a traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule, you can get around that roadblock by holding your showings on the weekends, ideally between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Not only will this provide the best light, it won’t interfere with Sunday afternoon football – a move many buyers will appreciate.