4 Lawn Maintenance Tips for Fall | #GreatTips #TalkToYourAgent #SiliconValleyAgent #YajneshRai


4 Lawn Maintenance Tips for Fall | Realtor Magazine

Fall lawn maintenance isn’t just about clearing away leaves, says The National Association of Landscape Professionals. Your clients will want to do a few things in their yard not only to prep it for the colder months, but to ensure that it’s in good shape for spring.

Maintaining a healthy lawn is also great for a home’s curb appeal, and just adopting a standard lawn care program can recover 303 percent of the project cost, according to the 2016 Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features.

Share these lawn tips with your clients to remind them that lawn care is something they need to think about throughout the year:

1. Rake. Fall leaves are colorful and fun to jump in of course, but they also can damage the lawn if they’re not removed in a timely matter. NALP also points out that in the winter, freezing and thawing leaves can actually release soluble forms of phosphate that can eventually end up in surface water.

2. Seed & Fertilize. Home owners will want to fertilize their lawn from September throughout November, and should seed dead areas as well as the rest of the yard so it will look full and healthy for spring. 

3. Trim. Ideally grass should be between 2 to 2 1/2 inches tall during the fall months. Any taller and it could actually cause mold to grow during the winter. Shorter grass will only encourage weeds to grow.

4. Out with the Old. Trim the perennials so they’re close to the ground and make sure all of the weeds in the yard are pulled. Pulling weeds now will cause less to grow in the spring.


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