More Sweetness – Less Stress: Managing the Holidays
The holidays are here! For many people, this is a time for family gatherings and festivity. It is a joyous and beautiful time of year. But it is also a period when people tend to overeat, stress about budgets, worry about lack of time, and neglect taking care of themselves. Therefore, we have a few tips to help you keep the cheer up and the stress down.
Make the holidays your own. They don’t have to be perfect to be great. Be realistic about your expectations and focus on what makes you happy.
Set a budget for gifts and entertainment. Before you get knee-deep in holiday debt, sort out what you can realistically afford and stick to it. A few alternatives could be to make homemade gifts or donate to a charity in a friend or relative’s name. As for holiday gatherings, consider a potluck or BYOB for your party to help alleviate some of the expense.
Respect your time. If you can’t make it to a party or activity, politely decline and move on with it – don’t feel guilty about not going. There is only so much a person can do, and learning to say “no” is important. This will help you preserve your resources when you are too tired or busy to participate and keep you chipper for the events you are able to attend.
Don’t completely abandon your good eating habits, but also, don’t stress about a few extra calories either. Eat some healthy snacks on the way to a party so you are not grasping at food on an empty stomach. And be sure to stick to your exercise routine this time of year.
Take some time to escape. You are not the only person who is stressed during the holidays – your friends and family may also be a bit pressured. Recognize that everyone may be a little more taxed than usual and allow yourself time to escape for a few moments. Taking a few deep breaths and reflecting on the joys of the holiday will help you stay calm when you return to the crowds.
If you are currently sad or grief-stricken, you don’t have to pretend to be cheerful. Acknowledge your feelings and accept them. You can tell your friends and family how you are feeling and ask them for a little space when you need it.
Remind yourself what you are thankful for. There is no better time of year to check your gratitude perspective. While this may be a time of extra stress, it is also a time to celebrate all the goodness in your life and share smiles with the people you love.
Happy holidays from all of us at Keller Williams Realty!