Free Credit Reports Now Available Every Week | Realtor Magazine
The three main credit reporting bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—have announced that everyone will be able to request a free credit report from each of them weekly over the next year. The new policy started this week.
The companies say the reports are being made more readily available to help Americans “protect their financial health during the sudden and unprecedented hardship caused by COVID-19.”
The CARES Act requires that companies report to credit bureaus whether consumers are current on their loans if they’ve sought relief from lenders due to the pandemic. Americans can monitor their credit reports every week to ensure that’s happening. About 3 million borrowers in the U.S. have initiated forbearance on their mortgages since March.
“Credit vigilance is critical during these uncertain times,” the companies wrote in a statement. “Consumers are advised to review their credit reports frequently to understand the information that is being reported about their payment behavior. … We are making credit reports more accessible more often so people can better manage their finances and take necessary steps to protect their credit standing.”
Free weekly credit reports can be accessed at AnnualCreditReport.com.