Can Mortgage Debt Increase Your Life Expectancy? | Realtor Magazine
Debt can be stressful, and stress can be bad for your health. But some debt may actually be good for your health and even prolong your life, a new study from LendingTree suggests.
Researchers evaluated 797 U.S. counties on how various forms of debt—from mortgages to student loans—can possibly influence a person’s health and even life expectancy.
Notably, researchers found that a higher mortgage debt relative to income is linked with a higher life expectancy.
“That trend reaffirms the idea that homeownership is ultimately a good thing. This is despite the fact that a mortgage is one of the biggest financial decisions and burdens a person will take on in their lifetime,” researchers note.
Other forms of debt—like auto debt and personal loan debt—did not have the same link and actually generally corresponded with lower life expectancies, according to the study.
Counties with the highest life expectancy and their financial characteristics
Rank County State Average Credit Card Debt Average Personal Loan Debt Average Auto Debt Average Student loan Debt Average Mortgage Debt Median Households Income Life Expectancy 1 Kauai County Hawaii $6,572 $6,187 $8,573 $6,091 $93,019 $72,330 83.39 2 Marin County California $11,640 $3,267 $10,912 $8,436 $273,155 $104,703 83.17 3 Montgomery County Maryland $8,832 $3,821 $10,633 $13,357 $165,556 $103,178 83.07 4 Hunterdon County New Jersey $11,394 $5,340 $12,941 $10,139 $168,364 $110,969 82.90 5 Santa Clara County California $7,710 $3,421 $10,784 $5,754 $195,695 $106,761 82.72 6 San Mateo County California $8,687 $3,470 $9,927 $7,695 $203,758 $105,667 82.64 7 Westchester County New York $9,949 $4,835 $10,239 $11,698 $133,398 $89,968 82.63 8 Fairfax County Virginia $9,822 $4,596 $11,733 $11,618 $193,168 $117,515 82.57 9 Carver County Minnesota $8,850 $6,173 $12,802 $14,012 $128,209 $93,095 82.41 10 Collier County Florida $8,360 $3,206 $10,651 $6,265 $114,533 $62,407 82.39 11 Fairfax city Virginia $8,044 $2,429 $11,129 $8,061 $157,053 $106,870 82.38 12 New York County New York $9,048 $4,029 $2,949 $12,082 $64,968 $79,781 82.38 13 Nassau County New York $10,407 $5,454 $9,879 $12,349 $141,024 $105,744 82.37 14 Rockland County New York $9,851 $4,502 $9,848 $11,944 $133,559 $88,571 82.37 15 Bergen County New Jersey $10,672 $4,530 $9,634 $11,114 $138,754 $91,572 82.37 16 Johnson County Iowa $6,057 $2,832 $10,909 $14,529 $82,557 $59,965 82.35 17 Madison County New York $5,368 $4,086 $14,990 $11,307 $45,071 $58,365 82.32 18 Carroll County New Hampshire $7,783 $4,105 $14,270 $7,134 $91,714 $58,139 82.27 19 Douglas County Colorado $10,320 $5,417 $15,942 $11,412 $193,828 $111,154 82.18 20 Arlington County Virginia $9,590 $3,945 $8,198 $23,562 $163,202 $112,138 82.15 21 Somerset County New Jersey $9,715 $4,340 $9,734 $10,488 $143,407 $106,046 82.14 22 San Benito County California $8,131 $3,869 $14,861 $5,116 $193,841 $80,760 82.10 23 San Francisco County California $7,945 $3,946 $5,610 $9,111 $122,948 $96,265 82.08 24 Windsor County Vermont $6,599 $4,160 $13,633 $8,767 $61,231 $56,828 82.07 25 Washington County Minnesota $7,168 $4,272 $11,643 $10,638 $122,624 $89,598 82.03 Source: LendingTree.com