7 Cities Where Renters Pay the Most | Realtor Magazine
The median rent on a two-bedroom apartment was $1,300 in March, according to a study by ApartmentList.com. In some cities, rents are nearly quadruple that.
The following cities have the highest rents in the country, according to ApartmentList.com’s research:
1. San Francisco
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $4,780
2. New York City
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $4,450
3. Jersey City
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $3,080
4. Washington, D.C.
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $2,990
5. Boston
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $2,900
6. San Jose, Calif.
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $2,640
7. Los Angeles
Median price for two-bedroom apartment: $2,630